Need for organic foods 

FE Team | Published: May 22, 2017 20:18:54 | Updated: October 24, 2017 04:25:02

Need for organic foods 

WITH mankind's ever-changing food habits, modern-day consumers recognise any organic food safer and healthier than regular processed foods. Unlike even traditional home-cooked foodstuffs, popular demand for organic food including raw fruits and vegetables has skyrocketed as the sales of such foodstuffs are regulated by governments in many countries. 
Unquestionably, all foods should be fit for human consumption - free from toxic and unstable elements. Supply of safe and high-quality foods is a regulatory obligation for the retailers, wholesalers and other merchandisers. Hazardous elements inside foods can cause harm to the human body - chemical, physical and microbiological. Besides, food can bring nightmare to humans if it contains pathogenic agents along with viruses, parasites and bacteria. Experts opined that the significance of food safety naturally stems from some foodstuffs transmitting infectious diseases as well as flooding human body with toxic chemicals. Despite several attempts to ensure overall food safety with almost 17 laws, Bangladesh has failed its citizens miserably. 
Meanwhile, organic foods are being researched and analysed in developing countries such as Brazil, India and South Africa. Organic foods contribute to brilliant ideas about food production dependent on a subtle mix of biological, ecological and socioeconomic factors. The government may address the problem by giving incentives to growth of organic foods in view of Bangladesh's collective food habit.
Farida Rabbi Yasmin
Lalmatia, Dhaka 

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